Saturday, December 11, 2010

So I haven't written a post for a very long time.  But, nobody seems to really care that I haven't been around on the blogosphere, so maybe this is it.  Is there anyone interested in hearing the latest about my "secret" life I'm leading as a gay married man?  I remain devoted to my wife and my religion, but it's a continual struggle.  Part of the reason I have stopped blogging is because I'm so afraid of too many people finding out my true identity.  The more details I share, the easier it will be for someone, the wrong one, to connect the dots. 


MoHoHawaii said...

I care that you've been AWOL.

Yes, please say what you've been up to. I'd also be willing to correspond by e-mail if you don't want to write blog posts.

Rob said...

What MHH said. I have missed your posts a lot and wondered how you were doing. I wish you'd write more. But if you're uncomfortable with public blog posts, I would really like to keep in touch by e-mail too. Please don't cut yourself off from the community, there is a lot of support and understanding here for you. Isolation kills. We need you like you need us.

Bror said...

Duh, I think about what you are up to all the time. And yes I do care if you post. It is so good to hear from you.

Mister Curie said...

I am absolutely interested in what you have been up to.

Gay LDS Actor said...

I was wondering what became of you.

Invictus Pilgrim said...

I'm new to the MoHo community, and when I decided to come out (to the extent I have) a couple of months ago, I found reading your blog very helpful to me. Like you, I'm gay and married (but for how much longer remains to be seen). I would be very interested to read about your ongoing thoughts and experiences.

Ned said...

Hey Forester, I was thinking of you the other day when I heard a profile of Israel Kamakawiwo'ole who sings Over the Rainbow on the film Finding Forrester.

As another gay married Mormon man, I definitely want to know what's going on in your life. So I'm glad you wrote and hope you'll write some more.

Have you watched Finding Forrester, recently? Here's the profile I heard on NPR:

Michael said...

I enjoy reading your posts

GeckoMan said...

I've been silent for longer than you, but I still check you out every now and then to see if there's anything new in your 'secret' life.

I've been thinking of getting back into blogging what do you say, shall we dive back into the deep end together, man? I think that you, like me, might have a few good things to say in 2011.

Merry Christmas to you, Forester.

ControllerOne said...

I'll make it an even 10 - my vote is yes, please return to the blogging world.

Anonymous said...

The votes are in, and YOU are wanted!!

Please grace us with your presence often. We promise to keep your secrets; just don't post your name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, credit card numbers, LDS membership number, name of your kids, name of your wife, name of your dog, name of your pet hamster, name of your co-workers, name of your annoying neighbor, your favorite color, favorite restaurant, which movie you saw last........

Forester said...

Thanks all. It's good to know that you are interested and that you care.

Beck said...

Very glad to see you're still at it... we need your voice!

Big hugs!

Joe said...

I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago and was worried about why you might have stopped posting. Reading your experiences is helping me be able to figure things out in my life. Thanks, and it's good that you're back

John Gustav-Wrathall said...

I still follow you. And care!

Anonymous said...

Did you cross the line? It depends whose line. The Kimball/Packer line?---Dude, you crossed that line at birth. Your Bishop's line? Well, I don't think the new Handbook says anything about flirting.

We need to switch from Euclid to Newton, from lines to slopes. Yes, the ol' slippery slope. What would have happened had one of the salesmen responded to you. Say, straightening the lines of a shirt and brushing your nipples, or coming very close as he says, let's see how it looks with the top button open and then proceeds to unbutton it. Or if he says, if you change your mind, here's my number, call me if you change your mind want to hold something for you.

Let's face it, most of us are gay virgins and have a tremendous urge to find out what gay sex would be like. We say just once, an passionate embrace or kiss, just about anything skin to skin. Just once? that's the slippery slope because that first encounter raises more questions that it answers so we try it again. And again.

Your posts are shouting that you want to experiment. Well, good luck.

p.s., I'm not offended by you "under 40" remark.
I don't follow blogs of the 20er's. I just don't relate to them. But then again, I don't broadcast that sentiment. There's a reason for the "edit" button

Since July 15, 2007